At a glance
Language Combinations
English (UK) > German
Technical translations for the automotive industry, Final proofreading, Legal translations, media translations, Layout
Text types
App texts, Online training documentation, Product brochures, Contracts
More information
Since 2017, ASI, one of the companies in the t’works Group, has been supporting ŠKODA with specialist technical knowledge. In focus: technical translations for the automotive industry
ŠKODA Austria is the official Austrian importer of vehicle and engine manufacturer ŠKODA Auto a.s., which was founded in 1895 by Václav Laurin and Václav Klement as the bicycle manufacturer Laurin & Klement and manufactured its first motor vehicle in 1905. t'works has been on board as a language services provider since 2017: We have successfully completed more than 40 projects for technical translations in the subject areas of automotive, marketing and law.
The types of text range from app texts to product brochures
t'works provides ŠKODA with holistic support for technical translations in the subject areas of automotive, marketing and law. The key focus is technical texts such as app texts and online training brochures as well as media translations such as product brochures. Our team of translators has detailed knowledge of the technical terminology of the customer. To ensure the consistency of the wording, our translation memory is continuously updated.
Success factors: Expert knowledge and project management
With highly technical texts, linguistic and technical expertise are the keys to success. An example: A specialist team of professional translators works on an update to the app texts for several different car models. In this project, the work of t'works relies on continuous updates to the translation memory and a close collaboration with the customer. Together, this ensures the compliance with the customer-specific terminology and the on-schedule delivery in the expected premium quality.
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