At a glance
Language Combinations
German, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Irish, Croatian, Latvian,Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Hungarian, Vietnamese
Medical to medical-technical/legal translations, software localisation, multilingual media translation with transcription, coding and subtitling as well as terminology management
Text types
Patient information sheet, app and interface texts, website content, e-learning and educational films, general terms and conditions and privacy notices.
More information
COVID-19 information sheet – it’s a good feeling to support Thieme Compliance’s doctor-patient communication as a language service providerThieme Compliance – short profile
Thieme Compliance is a reliable partner for all aspects of patient education and communication with over 30 years of experience on the market. The Erlangen-based company offers tailor-made solutions and services based on a wide range of medically and legally sound information. The aim of the wholly-owned Thieme subsidiary is to optimise processes relating to patient admission, patient information and documentation, and to support medical staff in their daily work. A team of over 400 medical authors, editors and lawyers ensures that the information is always medically and legally up to date. Thieme Compliance documents the highest quality standards with certifications according to EN ISO 13485 and DIN EN ISO 9001.Working together during the coronavirus.
The coronavirus pandemic has had a firm grip on the world since March 2020 and turned our daily lives upside down. The approval of BioNTech’s first vaccine provided hope. Sound information about vaccination against the coronavirus was one of the key topics. With the information sheet on vaccination against COVID-19, Thieme Compliance was making an important contribution to the fight against the virus. Thieme Compliance was also producing other documents, including a symptom check list for cases of suspected coronavirus, information on the COVID-19 risk with patient admission and information for relatives on the intensive care treatment of COVID-19 patients.
t'works provides the necessary foreign language expertise with translations into over 25 languages at the moment. Overcoming language barriers is a language service provider’s job. EnssnerZeitgeist is proud to support Thieme Compliance multilingually.
Thieme Compliance and t’works – a long-standing collaboration
Supporting patient information in hospitals and medical practices with digital content and media is a complex task. In addition to technical expertise and the use of suitable technologies for content management and translation, certified process reliability, a solution-oriented approach, and a sense of responsibility are indispensable.
Thieme Compliance has been working with t'works as a language service provider since 2011. Initially, XML data as well as information sheets and illustrations laid out in InDesign and Illustrator were translated into 11 languages using memoQ as a translation tool and double checked for quality. Since then, the annual translation volume has more than quadrupled while internal resources have remained virtually unchanged. The information sheets can now be translated into 29 languages. The standardisation and cleaning of source texts by Thieme Compliance and terminology work at t'works began in 2015 by mutual agreement. The measures improved the consistency and quality of the texts and reduced the share of new translations to as much as 56% in the first five years, which also contributed to a significant reduction in translation costs. In the meantime, translation management and collaboration is strongly characterised by XML workflows, customer-specific processes through the t'works customer portal, as well as using Kanban boards in Jira fromThieme Compliance with review and release into less common languages, such as Maltese, and quality assessment based on SAE J2450. The data exchange is based on the COTI standard. t'works and Thieme Compliance are currently working on the partial automation of data exchange based on COTI Level 2.
Good cooperation at all levels
Thieme Compliance and t'works: over 30 years of medical and legal editorial work in patient information meets 75 years of foreign language expertise. The complexity in working together has continued to gain momentum and the text types have broadened to include app and interface texts, e-learning and educational films. Communication and regular exchange are the be-all and end-all: as a result, there is also a quarterly discussion at management level in addition to a “weekly” call at operational level and a shared Kanban board. The translations are completed on time, to a high quality standard and tailored to the target audience – thanks to experienced regular translators and permanent dedicated contacts in project management as well as with the help of constantly up-to-date translation memories and a multilingual termbase.
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